Blue Biotechnology Working Group

The Blue Biotechnology Working Group was born after the WS: “Blue National Technology Cluster Italian Growth:” Towards the General States of Blue Biotechnologies “of 23 July 2020 to set up 4 tables on the topics:

  • Development of new drugs from the sea (Moderator Adrianna Ianora – CDA SZN)
  • New cosmeceuticals, nutraceuticals and functional foods from the sea (Moderator Diego Bosco – Italbiotec Consortium)
  • New biomaterials of marine origin (Moderator Giovanna Romano – SZN)
  • Innovative biotechnological solutions for the monitoring and recovery of marine environments contaminated (Moderator Antonio Dell’Anno – UniVPM)

which have the aim of identifying Project Proposals within the CTN BIG that can be set up, therefore with a high TRL, that can access Horizon Europe funding, making use of partnerships such as the Cluster Maritime Tunisien (CMT) and the Clúster Marítimo-Marino de Andalucía (CMMA), with which the CTN BIG has entered into a collaboration agreement, or consider also making use of national funding.