Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)

The Ministry of Research, in its last evaluation of the Cluster’s Strategic Plan, recommended the formation of an Advisory Board, including external experts to the cluster and its organization, with the specific task of formulating critical advice on the activities and development of the Cluster. The Advisory Board would meet in remote mode twice a year discussing the Cluster’s activities and lines of action, in order to collect feedback and suggestions aimed at improving the alignment of the operational plan with national and international trends on the Blue Economy.

Marco Borra SAB Coordinator propose, according to the needs and the BIG activities, to envisage three SAB meeting per year (quarterly).

MEMBERS of Scientific Advisory Board

Name, Surname


Alejandro Iglesias-Campos


Nicolas Pade


Grammenos Mastrojeni

Unione per il Mediterraneo

Daniele Bosio

MAECI- Westmed

Francesca Santoro