CALLMEBLUE:Online Learning Labs for Emerging Maritime Clusters – Exciting Opportunity Alert!


Are you a Blue Economy professional and aspiring Maritime Cluster Manager looking to stay ahead in the dynamic world of the Blue Economy sector in the Mediterranean region? Look no further!

Introducing the “LEARNING LABS FOR EMERGING MARITIME CLUSTERS” workshop organized in the frame of CallMeBLUE (Cluster Alliance MED Blue), an EMFAF-2023-PIA-FLAGSHIP project co-funded by the European Union aiming to strengthen existing cluster alliances in the Mediterranean area and to accelerate north-south regional cooperation towards the emerging of strategic maritime clusters in North Africa This Learning Labs Workshop is addressed to future maritimecluster actors to be prepared on the legal, structural, administrative and management aspects for a concrete creation of future maritime clusters. It aims to educate a group of professionals who could lead the establishment and management of maritime clusters in the Mediterranean region. Know more about sessions program: Join us and participate in regional cooperation towards the emergence of strategic maritime clusters. 

Don’t miss out on this chance to boost innovation and sustainable growth in the Blue Economy sector! A limited number of participants will be accepted. Enroll now and secure your spot! Participants must: 

  • be over 18 years old 
  • have a good command of the English language 
  • have previous/current experience in any sector of the blue economy or are currently following a higher education related programme.

Tentatively, the online Learning labs are scheduled to take place from April to June 2025.

Deadline for application is 19 March 2025.  Apply now:

If you want to know more about CALLMEBLUE, visit:

Consortium Partners:   ForMare – Polo Nazionale per lo Shipping | Cluster BIG – Blue Italian Growth | Federazione del Mare | Fórum Oceano | Leanovator (Leancubator ) | Strategis – Maritime ICT Cluster | Clúster Marítimo-Marino de Andalucía (CMMA) | Cluster maritime Tunisien | Pôle Mer Méditerranée | ANIMA Investment Network

Associated Partners: BUSINESSMED – Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises | UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union | CLÚSTER MARÍTIMO DE LES ILLES BALEARS

I nostri soci

Il Cluster BIG riunisce una rete di eccellenza composta da università, enti di ricerca, aziende e enti pubblici che operano nel settore della blue economy.

La collaborazione e la condivisione di competenze tra i nostri associati rappresentano il motore trainante dell’innovazione e della crescita sostenibile del settore.

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