ECOMONDO – Beacon Conference, 10 November 2022


Ecomondo-The Green Technology EXPO is one of the greatestbenchmark international event in Europe for technological and industrial innovation. Ecomondo’s innovative format brings together all sectors of the circular economy on a single platform: from the recovery of materials and energy to sustainable development.

The Blue Italian Growth Technology Cluster – BIG TC was invited to host a whole session dedicated on the Blue Circular Bioeconomy in the Mediterranean, a session organised by BIG TC along with Ecomondo Scientific Technical Committee, WestMED Initiative and UNIDO SwitchMed.

Depleted fish stocks, faltering catching rates, low efficiency and environmental impact of fish production are just a few issues that are threatening the sea. Key solutions are to be found in the national and regional Blue Economy strategies aiming at changing the current production patterns of fishery, aquaculture and fish processing value chain toward more sustainable and circular business models. On this occasion, a wide range of experts gathered to tackle these ongoing issues and to highlight the need to implement a resource efficient mode of production in the fish industry to save water and energy, to find new innovative solutions and smart technologies that can guarantee a more resilient blue economy in the long term.

Some key points of discussion were the “Mission Ocean & Waters”, aiming at making the Bioeconomy bluer and circular; the development of a sustainable blue economy in the Western Mediterranean regions; a focus on the national recovery and resilience plan (PNRR) as well as on the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership, aiming to design, steer and support a just and inclusive transition to a regenerative, resilient and sustainable blue economy. In addition, a session was dedicated on how accelerators and incubators give an active contribution to the blue economy by supporting start-ups and scale-ups, particularly through the SwitchMed Programme, a launched by the European Union.

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Il Cluster BIG riunisce una rete di eccellenza composta da università, enti di ricerca, aziende e enti pubblici che operano nel settore della blue economy.

La collaborazione e la condivisione di competenze tra i nostri associati rappresentano il motore trainante dell’innovazione e della crescita sostenibile del settore.

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