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Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)

The Ministry of Research, in its last evaluation of the Cluster’s Strategic Plan, recommended the formation of an Advisory Board, including external experts to the cluster and its organization, with the specific task of formulating critical advice on the activities and development of the Cluster. The Advisory Board would meet in remote mode twice a year discussing the Cluster’s activities and lines of action, in order to collect feedback and suggestions aimed at improving the alignment of the operational plan with national and international trends on the Blue Economy. Marco Borra SAB Coordinator propose, according to the needs and the BIG activities, to envisage three SAB meeting per year (quarterly). MEMBERS of Scientific Advisory Board Name, Surname Affiliation Alejandro Iglesias-Campos UNESCO IOC/IODE Nicolas Pade EMBRC Grammenos Mastrojeni Unione per il Mediterraneo Daniele Bosio MAECI- Westmed Francesca Santoro UNESCO

Coordinator of the technical-scientific committee

Emilio F. Campana is the Director of the Engineering, ICT, Energy and Transport Department of the National Research Council (CNR) of Italy. During his research activity (mainly in numerical fluid dynamics and design optimization) he has been also researcher at the IBM – ECSEC (European Center for Scientific and Engineering Computing),and director of the CNR-INSEAN (marine technology) institute. EFC has been principal Investigator of several EDA (European Defense Agency) and ONR (Office of Naval Research, US Navy) projects. In his scientific career he has published more than 200 peer-reviewed papers in international journals and conferences (h-index 32) and is the recipient of the American Bureau of Shipping award (2009), of the Scientific Achievement Award (2012) assigned by NATO. He has been appointed as George Weinblum Memorial Lecturer (2013-2014) assigned by the German Institut für Schiffbau of the University of Hamburg and by the Naval Studies Board of the US National Research Council. He has been (i) in the Executive Board of the Italian National Cluster on Transport, (ii) the scientific coordinator of the Italian National Cluster on the Blue Growth, (iii) national representative in the JPI Ocean. Contact:

B-Blue Project

This is one of the two Strategic Projects on Innovation approved under...

Blue Biotechnology Working Group

The Blue Biotechnology Working Group was born after the WS: “Blue National Technology Cluster Italian Growth:” Towards the General States of Blue Biotechnologies “of 23 July 2020 to set up 4 tables on the topics: Development of new drugs from the sea (Moderator Adrianna Ianora – CDA SZN) New cosmeceuticals, nutraceuticals and functional foods from the sea (Moderator Diego Bosco – Italbiotec Consortium) New biomaterials of marine origin (Moderator Giovanna Romano – SZN) Innovative biotechnological solutions for the monitoring and recovery of marine environments contaminated (Moderator Antonio Dell’Anno – UniVPM) which have the aim of identifying Project Proposals within the CTN BIG that can be set up, therefore with a high TRL, that can access Horizon Europe funding, making use of partnerships such as the Cluster Maritime Tunisien (CMT) and the Clúster Marítimo-Marino de Andalucía (CMMA), with which the CTN BIG has entered into a collaboration agreement, or consider also making use of national funding.

SMEs Committee

The SMEs committee is a group dedicated ...